Committee of Council Minutes

Council Chambers
3rd Floor City Hall, 2580 Shaughnessy Street, Port Coquitlam, BC
Council Present:
  • Chair - Acting Mayor, Councillor McCurrach
  • Councillor Darling
  • Councillor Penner
  • Councillor Petriw (arrived at 3:33 p.m.)
  • Councillor Pollock
Council Absent:
  • Mayor West
  • Councillor Washington
Staff Present:
  • R. Bremner, CAO
  • K. Grommada, Deputy CAO
  • C. Deakin, Corporate Officer
  • J. Frederick, Director Engineering & Public Works
  • B. Irvine, Director Development Services
  • R. Kipps, Fire Chief
  • D. Long, Director Community Safety & Corporate Services
  • J. Lovell, Director of Finance

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.


  • That the Tuesday, September 26, 2023, Committee of Council Meeting Agenda be adopted as circulated.

    In Favour (4)Councillor Darling, Councillor McCurrach, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Pollock
    Absent (3)Mayor West, Councillor Washington, and Councillor Petriw


  • That the minutes of the following Committee of Council Meetings be adopted:

    • September 5, 2023.
    In Favour (4)Councillor Darling, Councillor McCurrach, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Pollock
    Absent (3)Mayor West, Councillor Washington, and Councillor Petriw

Councillor Petriw arrived during item 4.1 at 3:33 p.m.

Mr. Jack Choules, President of PoCo Heritage Museum and Archives presented an on-screen overview of the organization's events, programming, grants and fundraising.  In 2022, the City and Poco Heritage negotiated a five-year Partnership Agreement which included an annual operating grant of $55,000.  As part of the presentation, Mr. Choules requested an annual increase of $7,003.30 to PoCo Heritage to assist with providing a living wage for museum staff and to continue to provide the same number of events and programming each year.

Mr. Patrick McCarthy, Port Coquitlam Arts Council presented an on-screen overview of the Arts Council's key milestones and timelines. The Port Coquitlam Arts Council presented a $35,000 funding request for Council to consider during the upcoming budget deliberations.


  • That Committee of Council recommend to Council that:

    1. The zoning of 3390 Lancaster Street be amended from RS1 (Residential Single Dwelling 1) to RTh3 (Residential Townhouse 3);
    2. The amending bylaw include provisions to provide for up to one additional dwelling unit and bonus density contribution of $60,000; and,
    3. Prior to adoption of the amending bylaw, the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
      1. Installation of protective fencing for trees to be retained on-site and off-site;
      2. Demolition of the existing building;
      3. Dedication of 2.5m wide road allowance along the property’s Gail Avenue frontage and 3m x 3m corner cut-offs along Lancaster Street and Gail Avenue and Gail Avenue and the lane, and consolidation of lots to the satisfaction of the Approving Officer;
      4. Completion of design and submission of securities and fees for off-site works and services; and,
      5. Registration of a legal agreement to ensure recommendations of the arborist report are implemented.  
    In Favour (4)Councillor McCurrach, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pollock, and Councillor Petriw
    Opposed (1)Councillor Darling
    Absent (2)Mayor West, and Councillor Washington


  • That Committee of Council recommend to Council that:

    1. The zoning of 1675 Pitt River Road be amended from RS1 (Residential Single Dwelling 1) to RS4 (Residential Single Dwelling 4); and
    2. Prior to adoption of the amending bylaw, the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
      1. Demolition of existing structures;
      2. Completion of design and submission of fees and securities for off-site works and services;
      3. Dedication of a portion of the frontage along Pitt River Road to align the property line with the neighbouring properties to the south and subdivision to the satisfaction of the Approving Officer;
      4. Installation of protective fencing for on-site and off-site trees and hedges; and
      5. A legal agreement be registered on title that limits the footprint of the future development on proposed lot B and implements arborist recommendations to facilitate retention of two significant western red cedars.



    In Favour (5)Councillor Darling, Councillor McCurrach, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pollock, and Councillor Petriw
    Absent (2)Mayor West, and Councillor Washington

The Manager of Capital Projects presented an on-screen overview of the staff report that provides a high-level forecast, budget and schedule summary of all 2023 and carry over capital projects (as of July 2023) valued over $75,000.

The Manager of Cultural Development & Community Services provided an on-screen update on services and programming for the Recreation Department and answered questions from Committee of Council.

No update.

No update.

No update.


  • That the Committee of Council Meeting of Tuesday, September 26, 2023, be closed to the public pursuant to the following subsections(s) of Section 90(1) of the Community Charter:
    Item 5.1

    e. the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;

    k. negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public;

    l. discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report].

    In Favour (5)Councillor Darling, Councillor McCurrach, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pollock, and Councillor Petriw
    Absent (2)Mayor West, and Councillor Washington


  • That the Tuesday, September 26, 2023, Committee of Council Meeting be adjourned. (5:34 p.m.)

    In Favour (4)Councillor Darling, Councillor McCurrach, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Pollock
    Absent (3)Mayor West, Councillor Washington, and Councillor Petriw
No Item Selected