Committee of Council Agenda

Port Coquitlam Community Centre - Wilson Lounge
2150 Wilson Avenue, Port Coquitlam, BC

  • Recommendation:

    That the Tuesday, October 13, 2020, Committee of Council Meeting Agenda be adopted as circulated.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the following Committee of Council Meetings be adopted:

    • October 6, 2020.
  • Recommendation:

    1. That Committee of Council, having given consideration to s.475 of the Local Government Act, confirm the following consultation for the proposed Official Community Plan amendment:

    1. on-site signage,
    2. the applicant’s consultation with the community,
    3. staff communication with School District 43, and,
    4. consideration of the application by Committee of Council in open meetings.

    2. That Committee of Council recommend to Council that:

    1. The Official Community Plan land use designation for the development site be amended from Neighbourhood Commercial and Apartment to Comprehensive Residential.
    2. The Official Community Plan land use designation for the remaining City portion of 2428 Kingsway Avenue be amended from Neighbourhood Commercial to Park Reserve.
    3. The Zoning be amended from RS1 (Residential Single Dwelling 1), RD (Residential Duplex) and M1 (General Industrial) to a Comprehensive Development Zone to provide for rental tenure apartment dwelling units and a 400m2 childcare facility and P3 (Parks and Natural Areas) for the eastern portion of 2428 Kingsway Avenue.

    3. Prior to adoption of the amending bylaws, the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:

    1. Adoption of a Housing Agreement Bylaw that provides for 300 non-market rental housing units.
    2. Closure and sale of lanes within the development site and subdivision and sale of a portion of 2428 Kingsway Avenue.
    3. Demolition of existing structures and lot consolidation.
    4. Submission of a plan providing for road dedication along Kingsway and Gately Avenues.
    5. Submission of plans and securities and fees for off-site works and services including improvements to the intersection of Kingsway and Gately Avenues, construction of Gately Avenue and a 3m wide multi-use pathway along the Kingsway Avenue frontage and street trees.
    6. Submission of a plan and securities for riparian area enhancements and construction of the Coquitlam River Trail between Gately and Kingsway Avenues.
    7. Registration of legal agreement(s) to ensure:
      1. The development is designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations of acoustic andvibration studies, and
      2. The watercourse protection area is restricted to riparian vegetation and protected from future disturbance.
  • Recommendation:

    That Committee of Council approve Development Permit DP000423 to regulate an industrial development at 1835 McLean Avenue.

  • Recommendation:

    That Committee of Council recommend that Council adopt amendments to the Delegation of Authority Bylaw, No. 3876, as outlined in the October 13, 2020, staff report.

  • Recommendation:

    That the Committee of Council Meeting of Tuesday, October 13, 2020, be closed to the public pursuant to the following subsections(s) of Section 90(1) of the Community Charter:
    Item 5.1

    f. law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment.

    Item 5.2

    c. labour relations or other employee relations;

    i. the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;

    l. discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report].

  • Recommendation:

    That the Tuesday, October 13, 2020, Committee of Council Meeting be adjourned.